Gentle Art Of Leadership Podcast – Steve Skaer

From Drug Addiction to Successful Serial Entrepreneur

Meet Steve Skaer, a Northern Colorado entrepreneur and the force behind Skyline Moving, Skyline Cleaning, and Skyline Roll Off Services. Steve’s journey is one of triumph over drug addiction since age 15. He candidly shares the highs and lows, wins and losses, and his ongoing pursuit of sobriety and self-love. Join him as he opens up about recovery lessons, the quest for God, and finding a passionate purpose in his business ventures.

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Highlights From The Episode

Time: [00:01:17]

Starting Skyline Moving

Time: [00:03:55]

Expanding Business Ventures

Time: [00:05:38]

Battling Drug Addiction

Time: [00:08:17]

Two Treatment Centers by Age 21

Time: [00:11:42]

Introducing Black Tar Heroin

Time: [00:14:33]

Escaping Jail Time

Time: [00:19:43]

Wake Up Call and Spiritual Exploration

Time: [00:32:00]

Overcoming Addiction and Helping Others

Time: [00:53:00]

Importance of Relationships

Time: [00:56:31]

Catching up with a former colleague

Time: [00:56:57]

Changing perceptions and giving people a chance

Time: [00:58:20]

Discussing Dustin's career in tattoos

Time: [00:58:36]

Leaving a meaningful statement for the world