Gentle Art Of Leadership Podcast – Steve Earll

Diving Deep into Worry with a World Renowned Addictions and Trauma Expert

Meet our extraordinary guest this week—Steve Earll. Not only is he a devoted Jesus follower, husband, father, and grandfather, but he’s also a licensed professional counselor and, coincidentally, my father-in-law. With an incredible 50-year journey in the addictions and trauma recovery arena, Steve has trained under some of the world’s most renowned practitioners.In this heartfelt episode, Steve opens up about his own grief story, bravely recovering from personal trauma and loss. He imparts profound wisdom on managing and navigating through the depths of fear, worry, loss, and grief. This is an episode you absolutely cannot afford to miss!#podcast #grief #addiction #trauma #leadership #thegentleartofleadership

Thank You To Our Sponsors

Highlights From The Episode

Time: [00:01:17]

Steve Earle's Story

Time: [00:07:30]

Discovering the Polish Neighborhood

Time: [00:10:29]

Working with Native American Tribes

Time: [00:13:18]

Recognizing the Impact of Worry

Time: [00:14:31]

Confronting Grief

Time: [00:22:54]

Dealing with Fear and Anxiety

Time: [00:25:19]

Effects of Worry and Grief

Time: [00:33:58]

Coping with Loss

Time: [00:45:33]

Incorporating Biblical Wisdom