Gentle Art Of Leadership Podcast – Hunter Wylie

Bringing Your Faith into the Marketplace

Hunter Wylie is a Jesus follower, husband, father, entrepreneur, and founder of The Foundry Advisory. He recently joined us on the podcast to talk about his faith and business journeys and how the two intersect. Hunter shares his passion to bring faith to the marketplace, and his greater purpose beyond the profits of business. We also discussed the balancing of business, family and other important aspects of life. 

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Highlights From The Episode

Time: [00:00:12]

Meeting Speaker 3

Time: [00:00:17]

Similarities between Speaker 2 and Speaker 3

Time: [00:01:07]

Speaker 3's start in entrepreneurship

Time: [00:02:27]

Speaker 3's early experiences with side hustles

Time: [00:03:25]

Speaker 3's upbringing and motivation for success

Time: [00:04:22]

Speaker 3's identity crisis after a basketball injury

Time: [00:05:16]

Speaker 2's identity crisis in business

Time: [00:06:43]

Speaker 3's transformation through faith

Time: [00:07:45]

Speaker 3's journey of conversion

Time: [00:08:46]

Growing up without a consistent dad

Time: [00:10:00]

Seeking out men who are filled with the Holy Spirit

Time: [00:10:27]

Reaching out to men and seeking mentorship

Time: [00:11:55]

Finding men driven by a bigger mission

Time: [00:12:54]

Creating a space for vulnerability in the business community

Time: [00:14:11]

Incorporating faith into entrepreneurship

Time: [00:14:21]

Sharing the gospel in the workplace

Time: [00:15:03]

The importance of sharing faith authentically

Time: [00:17:42]

Balancing living out faith and using words to share it

Time: [00:18:31]

Being open about faith in the workplace

Time: [00:19:19]

Core values that bring people together

Time: [00:19:51]

PIGGS - Passion, Integrity, Grit, Gratitude, Steadiness

Time: [00:21:16]

Faith not part of hiring process, but values are

Time: [00:22:24]

Heart posture vs outward appearance

Time: [00:22:47]

Metaphor of tattooing values on hearts

Time: [00:23:19]

Pruning leadership team to align with values

Time: [00:26:24]

Mismatch in values among Jesus followers

Time: [00:27:21]

Judging believers, not non-believers

Time: [00:28:32]

Being called out as a hypocrite

Time: [00:29:16]

Self-reflection and continuous growth

Time: [00:29:16]

Dealing with self-judgment

Time: [00:30:07]

Embracing humility and grace

Time: [00:31:19]

Identifying as a pastor and entrepreneur

Time: [00:33:02]

The role of a visionary

Time: [00:34:06]

Recognizing limitations and delegating

Time: [00:35:23]

Focusing on strengths and loving people well

Time: [00:36:09]

The impact of neglecting one's gifting

Time: [00:37:00]

Signs of being out of alignment

Time: [00:37:17]

The importance of being present

Time: [00:38:20]

Prioritizing family and personal well-being

Time: [00:38:42]

Adjustments in life plan and prioritizing family

Time: [00:40:04]

Challenges of balancing different sleep schedules

Time: [00:40:55]

Making time for family amidst work commitments

Time: [00:42:05]

Importance of filling one's own cup

Time: [00:43:01]

Balancing self-care and serving others

Time: [00:43:50]

Taking personal retreats for rejuvenation

Time: [00:45:13]

Navigating opposite personality styles in marriage

Time: [00:46:34]

Sacrificing for the sake of love and understanding

Time: [00:47:13]

Leaving a lasting impact on the world

Time: [00:47:54]

Importance of Authenticity in Leadership

Time: [00:48:45]

Leaving a Lasting Impact on the World

Time: [00:48:53]

Hunter Wiley's Purpose and Calling

Time: [00:49:50]

Wrapping Up the Conversation

Time: [00:50:06]

Joining the Ultimate Immersion Experience in Spain