Gentle Art Of Leadership Podcast – Alex Sanfilippo

The Power of Human to Human Connection in Business

Alex Sanfilippo is a Jesus follower, entrepreneur and one of the leading authorities and guiding lights in podcasting.  His passion for podcasting led him to exit corporate America and launch Podmatch, which is basically a dating app for podcast guests and hosts looking to connect and bring value to the audiences they serve. Alex boldly shares his faith in God and how it interweaves into everyday business practices, as well as his mission to serve the podcasting community. He explains how he seeks to serve and pour into the lives of others one person at a time, and brings us excellent insight into the podcasting landscape, including some of the myths as well as real statistics into how and why podcasters make it and stay the course. If you are a podcast host, this episode is a must for you!

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Highlights From The Episode

Time: [00:00:23]

Meeting for the first time

Time: [00:00:34]

Discussing Pod Match and its similarity to dating apps

Time: [00:01:15]

The impact of Pod Match and initial impressions

Time: [00:02:05]

Alex's background and transition from aerospace to software

Time: [00:03:34]

Timing and success of Pod Match

Time: [00:05:06]

The decision to focus on Pod Match full-time

Time: [00:06:20]

Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on Pod Match

Time: [00:07:23]

Alicia's involvement in the business

Time: [00:08:26]

Tips for working with a spouse and maintaining work-life balance

Time: [00:09:19]

Setting Boundaries

Time: [00:10:08]

Communication and Boundaries

Time: [00:11:04]

Meeting at Church

Time: [00:12:02]

Love at First Sight

Time: [00:13:30]

Initial Rejection

Time: [00:15:00]

Faith and Business

Time: [00:16:18]

Running Business with Love

Time: [00:17:51]

Big Dreams for Podmatch

Time: [00:18:01]

Challenges for Podcast Hosts and Guests

Time: [00:18:52]

Introduction and realizing the need for community

Time: [00:19:53]

Hosts leaving the industry compared to guests

Time: [00:20:56]

Milestones for podcasters to reach

Time: [00:22:12]

The low chance of success after one year

Time: [00:23:14]

The number of actively established podcasters

Time: [00:24:20]

The misconception of podcasting being saturated

Time: [00:24:46]

Over-niching and its potential impact

Time: [00:25:47]

The difference in engagement between podcasting and social media

Time: [00:26:37]

The significance of even a small podcast audience

Time: [00:27:26]

Misunderstood metrics and the importance of impact over views

Time: [00:28:07]

Importance of Talking to Listeners

Time: [00:28:58]

Valuable Metrics for Podcasters

Time: [00:30:41]

Introduction to Podscore

Time: [00:31:37]

Seeking Transformation in the Podcasting Industry

Time: [00:33:16]

Personalized Quiz for Podcasters

Time: [00:34:11]

Understanding Your Chances of Success as a Podcaster

Time: [00:35:05]

Providing Resources for Improvement

Time: [00:36:04]

Goal of Reducing Churn Rate in the Podcasting Industry

Time: [00:36:13]

Recent Launch of Podscore

Time: [00:36:16]

Building Partnerships with Hosting Providers

Time: [00:37:14]

The importance of podcasting for longer

Time: [00:37:42]

Hosts vs. guests on the platform

Time: [00:38:16]

Making personal connections on Pod Match

Time: [00:39:11]

The power of human connection in business

Time: [00:40:06]

The impact of human communication on customer support

Time: [00:40:48]

Balancing efficiency with human experience

Time: [00:41:11]

Appreciating the value of waiting for a human response

Time: [00:42:03]

The lack of urgency in podcasting

Time: [00:42:51]

Embracing a slower pace for better content

Time: [00:43:58]

Doing things that won't scale and seeking to serve

Time: [00:45:21]

The importance of serving podcasters in the community

Time: [00:45:38]

Final advice for hosts and guests

Time: [00:45:46]

Doing for One What We Wish We Could Do for All

Time: [00:46:44]

Stop Focusing on the Numbers

Time: [00:47:11]

Seek to Serve the One Person Who Needs You Most

Time: [00:47:16]

Gratitude and Farewell

Time: [00:47:17]

Invitation to the Ultimate Immersion Experience in Spain