How to Succeed in Sales

So……I might have a man crush…

Or as Emily calls it, a bromance.

Allow me to share.

I was recently on the Be the Difference podcast with Greg Birch.  During this episode we dove into the topic of sales. Click here to watch the podcast episode. Click here to listen to the podcast.

A little bit about Greg. Years ago, Greg was suffering.  Greg was addicted to alcohol. Greg was depressed.  Greg picked up a gun and considered ending his life with it.  Instead, Greg got help.  Greg got vulnerable. Greg manned up and changed his life.  Greg is now using his message to impact the world in big ways.

Greg is also an amazing man, father, has served our country, and is crushing it in the insurance sales space.  He is also a walking example of health and fitness.  At 6’7”, his stature and physique will stop anybody dead in their tracks.  The dude is jacked, and apart from crushing it in business, he is crushing it in the gym.  Check out this video to see what I mean.

Okay Emily, I am a little envious of those guns he has…

Back to the blog.

How do I succeed in sales? How do I become better at sales? My sales are slipping, and my competitors are outselling me. I am not a natural salesperson. I hate sales. Sales seems slimy.  How do I become a sales Superman, or Superwoman?

These are the many questions and comments I receive on a daily basis from entrepreneurs I coach. I love the topic of sales because when you understand it at it’s core, it is very simple and easy to do.  However, too many people are given the wrong information about sales. 

Always be closing. Go until they can’t say no.  Keep closing until you sell or get kicked out.  I hear bullshit like this all the time, and it is frustrating. Sales is not about pressure and manipulation; it is about service and relationship.

A guy like Greg could easily use many of the manipulative slimy and pushy tactics that many “sales coaches” peddle to close any deal he wants.  He could easily FORCE his way to any sale by purely flexing his biceps and giving a smile and wink to anybody.  But he doesn’t.  He is different.  He is being the difference.  In life, in leadership, in business and in sales.

Sales and business are simply humans serving other humans.  You have something to offer to others and something that will make their life better.  All you need to do is connect with those others, be real, be vulnerable, be authentic, be you. In that connection, tell them how you can help.  And, actually care about helping them and serving them, whether you receive anything back or not!  Then ask them if you can serve them and be a resource from them.

When this happens, you never have to sell a day in your life, because people will be lining up to buy from you. Seriously, those are the simple steps. Don’t overcomplicate it.  Don’t get tied up and bogged down with where this “lead” is in your “pipeline” and “sales cycle”.  Enough of all this “pre close”, “close seven times” “close” “close” close” stuff.

Again, here are the steps:

  1. Be human. Show up as the real you.
  2. You better have something to offer that you believe in, that can truly help another person, that you would buy yourself, and that you would offer to your sweet little grandma who is on a fixed income.
  3. Meet another human and connect with them.
  4. Establish a relationship. Do so through asking about their story and listening intently.
  5. Share your story to connect more with them. Share WHY you do what you do.
  6. Be brave and vulnerable in your storytelling (Read Painted Baby)
  7. Share THAT you can help, WHY you want to help, and then…
  8. ASK if you can help.

When you and your story connect at a real, true, positive, service based, deep level with another human that has a need, AND that other human knows you, loves you and trusts you (at a deep level, not surface level) you will sell because these people will want to buy what you have.

Remember, sales, life, leadership, business are all journeys.  Don’t take any of them alone. I am here to journey with you every step of the way.

Remember this:

I love you.

I believe in you.

You’ve got this.

Go get it!

For more free tools on how to grow your business and advance your leadership, click here.

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