Be Intentional With Your Time

A small business owner I am coaching recently asked me this:

“Matt, what is your secret to success, and how do you manage to get so much done in a single day?” It seems to me that I only have 24 hours in a day, whereas you seem to have 127.

Here was my response to him and my challenge to you.

I only have 24 hours in a day just like you. Be intentional with your time. Make it count. Focus on what matters NOW.

Just like you, I only have a total of 24 hours in a day. Take the time you have and use it wisely. Put some effort into it. Pay attention to what is important right now.

Instead of making and carrying around a lengthy list of things that need to be done, schedule periods of time during which you will get things done.

Determine the one activity that will have the most impact on your life, business, and leadership in the here and now. The next step is to get up early and finish the activity at hand before the sun rises and the potential distractions of the day begin.

Make sure the task you are completing is one that you should be completing and not one that could and should be delegated to your team.

In order to determine what this task is, consider your MVP, that is your “Most Valuable Proposition” you bring to your life, business and leadership.

Consider your “Most Valuable Proposition” or MVP, in order to figure out what this work entails. Your MVP is the thing that you bring to the table that is the most valuable in terms of your life, your business, and your leadership.

Hire a team to do the other things that your business needs, but that distract you from your MVP.

Do this consistently day after day after day, and you will win.

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