Are You Overwhelmed?

We live in a modern business world filled with many things that occupy our calendar, life and mental bandwidth.  When we take a minute to consider all the hats we wear and roles we have in life, leadership and business, it can be overwhelming.  In my journey, there are seasons where things seem to be running on all cylinders, smoothly and effectively.  Then, there are seasons where the complete opposite happens.  There are seasons where I feel like the work, the commitments and everything that is a part of my life, family and business is just too much to handle. 

Can you relate?

I speak to many business leaders who share this challenge with me, and it prompted me to share a few quick thoughts regrading what to do when you are overwhelmed. I hope they are helpful and serve you.

  1. Remember that there are seasons in life and business. There will be seasons of calm and seasons of storms.  This happens to everybody, and the first and most important thing is to recognize when one of these seasons may be approaching so you can mentally prepare for it.
  2. State it out it out loud. My family and I are currently in a season of a lot of overwhelming things.  Business, sports, travel, launching new things, kids starting school, with one starting a completely new school.  We recently sat as a family just to state out loud: “this is going to be a busy and overwhelming season, but we are doing it together.”
  3. Ask for help and support. Many times, I see business leaders navigate through this busy season alone, completely stressed and overwhelmed.  It is immensely helpful to have the help, knowledge and support of others during these times, so don’t be afraid to ask for it!
  4. Don’t try to accomplish everything. Just accomplish the next most important thing. 
  5. Say “no” to things. Saying “no” and eliminating things from the calendar that are not serving your current purpose and plans are a must.  Some people have a hard time saying “no” to things, me included.  Do it anyway.
  6. Get very intentional with your calendar. Make sure blocks of time are planned out and intentional in your calendar.  I use a method called the P2E2 method.    Click here to learn more about it and check out my Time Management Mastery video coaching series.
  7. Always make time for your health, both physically and mentally. In my experience, I have found that when I am in one of these seasons, being physically and mentally prepared, alert and healthy is the key to navigating well.
  8. Don’t be fooled. Remember that people may look like life is perfect, put together, smooth and easy, especially on social media.  Please know that we all deal with these seasons of life and business whether we post it or not.
  9. Stay the course. When you are working on a big dream, goal, calling and purpose, remember things take time, and are not always easy.  There will be roadblocks and challenges, but stay the course!  Keep putting one foot in front of the other and working diligently towards your goals.

I hope this blog brings you some practical advice and peace as you may be navigating an overwhelming season in your life, leadership and business.

Be sure to click here and download all my free resources for your life, leadership and business journey.

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