Do Your Be: Six Steps to Intentional Impact

I recently posted a blog about making an impact and using your one chance in life to leave a significant legacy for your family, business, community, and others you care about. Check out “Forget About Success for a Minute” if you haven’t already! Impact is more important than accomplishment. You can be successful without being effective, but being impactful guarantees success.

One thing that strikes me as interesting is that to be impactful, live and pursue your passion and purpose, you first must have a 100% clear understanding and declaration of who you are. You must DEFINE yourself. Culture and the common everyday conversation with peers, co-workers and those close to you never challenges a person to define themselves and declare it to the world. It is a difficult task to accomplish, and since nobody is ever asked, nobody ever explores this most important step in making an impact.

As I coach and consult entrepreneurs about growing their company, their sales, marketing, and social media base, hiring employees, strategic development, and all other business growth related topics, I find a common theme of many of my coaching clients have never been forced or asked to define themselves. This is the first and most important part of my Circle of Impact Coaching Program.

Following your self-definition, you must proclaim what you will stand for, fight for, work for, and even die for. These items that contribute to your VALUE set, along with your DEFINITION of yourself, must feed into a VISION for your life. A vision is the story of your life that you have the ability to compose and construct before bringing it to existence.

You must act in order to realize this vision. You cannot simply stand there and say who you are, what you stand for, and what vision you have for your life. It’s time to get your boots on the ground. There must be a HOW, a game plan, and a road map with clear directions, landmarks, and accomplishments along the way to keep you on track. Also, this voyage cannot be undertaken alone. When you pack your vehicle of purpose and drive along the highway of being effective, bring along passengers that support and encourage you, your vision, what you stand for, and will ultimately hold you accountable to staying on track and achieving your vision.

Check out “What Happens when you Decide to be Impactful” from a few weeks ago. You will definitely want to surround yourself with people that support what you are doing, as some people may all of a sudden “not be supportive of your crazy vision”.

The final and most crucial element is that once you’ve aligned with the proper people and loaded them into your vehicle, you spend every single minute of every single day effectively and efficiently using your TIME (which you can never get back). The final and most important portion of the effect equation is the WHAT part of the Circle of impact. You can have everything else in place, but without action, doing, filling your calendar with the effective things that need to be done, and then executing them, nothing else will work.

When everything you do, supports and aligns with everything you are, you value, and you vision for your life and the lives of those around you, that is when you are impactful to the maximum degree. Is everything you are doing right now, 100% supporting, aligning with, and relating to all that you are, what you stand for, and vision for your life? If not, why are you doing it? Are you 100% clear with absolute certainty who you are? Do you know what you will stand for, work for, live for and die for? Can you state it at the drop of the hat with 100% confidence, power, and positive energy? If you die tomorrow, can you confidently say that you have left behind an impactful legacy and a story that you truly wrote, crafted, and lived? If you have answered “no” to any of these questions, let me share that I answered “no” to these questions for a long time. That is why I created the Circle of Impact and now coach and speak on this topic to entrepreneurs all over the world.

Tune in over the next six weeks to learn a little more about each one of the important pieces of the Circle of Impact concept. Looking forward to you tuning in. Please leave me your comments, feedback, and let me know how I can support and serve you better.

PS. Be on the look out for the Circle of Impact Workbook coming soon!

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